Vol. 78
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Miniaturized Dual-Band Antenna with a Rectangular Patch and Symmetrically Placed Circles in the Partial Ground Plane
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 78, 29-37, 2019
This paper presents a miniaturized dual-band antenna with a rectangular patch and symmetrically placed circles in the partial ground plane. The dimensions of the proposed antenna are 15 * 20 * 1.5 mm3, and the antenna is excited by a 50 Ω microstrip line from the bottom. The proposed antenna is fabricated on the commercially available low-cost FR4 substrate having relative permittivity εr = 4.3 and loss tangent 0.025. By introduction of a rectangular slot with a T-shape in the ground plane and a rectangular patch, the lower frequency band is achieved. The peak gain and radiation efficiency of the proposed antenna are 2 dB and 78%. The proposed antenna operates at 2.846 GHz to 3.24 GHz and 4.05 GHz to 6.22 GHz frequency range. The antenna finds its application in S-band, 5.5/5.8 GHz WiMAX bands, and 4.9/5/5.9 GHz Wi-Fi bands.
Sudeep Baudha, Aman Kumar Goswami, and Manish Varun Yadav, "Miniaturized Dual-Band Antenna with a Rectangular Patch and Symmetrically Placed Circles in the Partial Ground Plane," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 78, 29-37, 2019.

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