Vol. 21
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Cylindrical Invisibility Cloak Incorporating PEMC at Perturbed Void Region
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 21, 61-76, 2011
A cylindrical wave expansion method is used to obtain the scattering field for a two dimensional cylindrical invisibility cloak incorporating perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) at perturbed void region. A near-ideal model of the invisibility cloak is set up to solve the boundary-value problem at the inner boundary of the cloak shell. It is confirmed that a cloak with the ideal material is a perfect cloak by observing the change of the scattering coefficients from the near-ideal case to the ideal one. However, because of the slow convergence of the zeroth-order scattering coefficients, a tiny perturbation on the cloak would induce a noticeable field scattering. A better convergence rate of the scattering coefficients has been observed for decreasing δ in PEMC case.
Anjum Shahzad, Faheem Qasim, Shakeel Ahmed, and Qaisar Naqvi, "Cylindrical Invisibility Cloak Incorporating PEMC at Perturbed Void Region," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 21, 61-76, 2011.

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