Vol. 34
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Localized Dual-Side Mushroom Ground Plane Structure for the SSN Suppression in Multilayer Pcbs
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 34, 169-176, 2012
A novel dual-side mushroom ground plane (DMGP) structure is proposed for the noise suppression in high-speed multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs). The proposed method is localized suppression technique where a dual-side mushroom structure is placed below the noise-sensitive device. In multilayer PCBs with DMGP, noise between two ports with large or small ports spacing can be minimized effectively, which is flexible for the layout of mixed-signal system. Wideband noise suppression is achieved for the fabricated boards even though the port spacing is only 3.5 mm.
Jianjie Li, Jun-Fa Mao, Siwei Ren, and Hao-Ran Zhu, "Localized Dual-Side Mushroom Ground Plane Structure for the SSN Suppression in Multilayer Pcbs," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 34, 169-176, 2012.

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