Vol. 13
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Backward Tamm States in 1D Single-Negative Metamaterial Photonic Crystals
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 13, 149-159, 2010
Existence of backward electromagnetic surface waves at an interface separating a semi-infinite uniform left-handed metamaterial and a 1D photonic crystal composed of alternating layers of two kinds of single-negative (ε-negative and μ-negative) metamaterial is theoretically investigated. Dispersion characteristics of surface states are analyzed for two different cases of ENG-MNG and MNG-ENG layered periodic structures. It was demonstrated that in the presence of metamaterial, surface waves are sensitive to light polarization and there exist only backward TM-polarized (or TE-polarized) surface Tamm states depending on the ratio of the thicknesses of two periodic stacking layers.
Hadi Rahimi, "Backward Tamm States in 1D Single-Negative Metamaterial Photonic Crystals," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 13, 149-159, 2010.

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