Vol. 40
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Contour- and Grid-Based Algorithm for Mixed Triangular-Rectangular Planar Mesh Generation
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 40, 201-220, 2012
A mesh generation algorithm for the Method of Moments (MoM) is described. The algorithm, named CGSM, can mesh arbitrary planar shapes described with line segments and circular arcs into mixed triangular and rectangular cells. CGSM creates contours of the meshed shape and uses them to provide edge mesh (denser mesh near edges), creates an adaptive grid and uses it to insert axis-aligned rectangles in the interior, and finally, triangulates the remaining area (the Delaunay condition is imposed on the triangulation). CGSM is compared to two commercial applications (Designer® and IE3D™) on the example of a 2-GHz hybrid ring coupler. The same simulation results are obtained. However, with CGSM, simulation time is significantly reduced.
Tomasz A. Linkowski, and Piotr M. Slobodzian, "Contour- and Grid-Based Algorithm for Mixed Triangular-Rectangular Planar Mesh Generation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 40, 201-220, 2012.

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