Vol. 35
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Time-Domain Integral Equation Solver for Radiation from Dipole Antenna Loaded with General BI-Isotropic Objects
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 35, 349-367, 2011
Electromagnetic radiation by dipole antenna loaded with general bi-isotropic objects is investigated using time-domain integral equations. By introducing pairs of equivalent electric and magnetic sources, electromagnetic fields inside a homogeneous bi-isotropic region can be represented by these sources over its boundary. A series of coupled surface integral equations are obtained after imposing boundary conditions. These equations are solved numerically by the Galerkin's method that involves separate spatial and temporal testing procedures. The scaled Laguerre functions are used as the temporal basis and testing functions. The use of the Laguerre functions completely removes the time variable from computation, and the results are stable even at late times. Numerical results are presented and compared with analytical results, and similarities and differences are observed.
Hui Zhu, Ze-Hai Wu, Xiu Zhang, and Bin-Jie Hu, "Time-Domain Integral Equation Solver for Radiation from Dipole Antenna Loaded with General BI-Isotropic Objects," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 35, 349-367, 2011.

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