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Waveguide Simulation Using the High-Order Symplectic Finite-Difference Time-Domain Scheme
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 13, 237-256, 2009
The high-order symplectic finite-difference time-domain scheme is applied to modeling and simulation of waveguide structures. First, the perfect electric conductor boundary is treated by the image theory. Second, to excite all possible modes, an efficient source excitation method is proposed. Third, the modified perfectly matched layer is extended to its high-order form for absorbing the evanescent waves. Finally, a high-order scattering parameter extraction technique is developed. The cases of waveguide resonator, waveguide discontinuities, and periodic waveguide structure demonstrate that the high-order symplectic finite-difference time-domain scheme can obtain better numerical results than the traditional finite-difference timedomain method and save computer resources.
Wei E. I. Sha, Xian-Liang Wu, Zhixiang Huang, and Ming-Sheng Chen, "Waveguide Simulation Using the High-Order Symplectic Finite-Difference Time-Domain Scheme," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 13, 237-256, 2009.

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