Vol. 7
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On the Complex Symmetry of the Poincar'E-Steklov Operator
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 7, 145-157, 2008
Employing Lorentz reciprocity and the Stratton-Chu formalism it is shown that the Poincare-Steklov or admittance operator can be interpreted as a complex symmetric operator mapping the tangential electric field (instead of the equivalent magnetic current) onto the equivalent electric current. We show that the pertinent block Calder´on projectors can be reformulated as operators with a block Hamiltonian structure. This leads to an explicitly complex symmetric Schur complement expression for both the interior and exterior admittance operators.
Luc Knockaert, and Daniel De Zutter, "On the Complex Symmetry of the Poincar'E-Steklov Operator," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 7, 145-157, 2008.

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